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Intuitive, Abundant, & Empowered: Hypnosis for Highly Sensitive People

NOTE: If you can't attend this workshop live, you can still sign up to receive the recording to enjoy this on your own time.

As a highly sensitive, neurodivergent person, you’ve undoubtedly endured many difficult experiences trying to succeed in a world that was not designed for you.

You may have thought you were too emotional, shy, incompetent, or anxious, when in fact you were simply overstimulated and coping with unmet needs.

In this workshop, you will reframe your inner stories about who you are in order to step into an empowered chapter of your life and craft a future that is fulfilling, supportive, and aligned.

Inspired by the work of Dr. Elaine Aron, whose groundbreaking research uncovered the Sensory Processing Sensitivity genetic trait (aka HSP), we will dive even deeper into this work by leveraging the power of hypnosis.

To prepare for the journey you can review the following:

  • Choose which area of your life you want to focus on, whether it’s your childhood, career, relationships, or social life.

  • You will be working with memories, so think ahead about a few pivotal moments within this part of your life. You can also get a head start by brainstorming what an ideal future state would be in this area.

  • Attend this in a location where you won’t be disturbed, ideally where you can lie down or recline comfortably.

  • Bring something to write with, a beverage, and whatever will help you feel cozy and comfortable — an eye mask and blanket or even a favorite crystal can be a great touch.

What is hypnosis?

  • Hypnosis is a meditative technique that is used to access and influence the subconscious mind to bring about healing and change.

  • It is rooted in the neuroplasticity concept, where old problems are “lit up” and then can become more malleable.

  • It involves using a trance (alpha-theta brainwave) state, where suggestibility is heightened, to rewire neural pathways to change habits, thoughts, and beliefs.

  • It is fun, feels good, and works for everyone — you will be in complete control through the whole experience and it will feel like a guided meditation with visualization prompts, like a light daydream.

  • Because it brings us closer to the dream state of consciousness, it can be a particularly helpful tool for healing on a somatic and spiritual level, going beyond the limitations of verbal processing and directly into the subconscious to gain insights and reprogram perspectives.

July 22

Neurosomatic Breathwork: Release the Past & Create Your Future