subconscious change work?

what is 

(a.k.a. hypnosis?)

Hypnosis is a tool which uses a heightened, focused state of awareness to bypass the conscious mind and create deep, lasting change by way of the subconscious.

Also known as “meditation with an agenda,” it is an ancient technique that continues to be validated by science as a highly effective way to change the structure of your mind to serve your highest good.

Specifically, hypnosis helps with:

  • Rewriting habits (motivation, organization, relationships, eating, exercise, substances, sleep, procrastination, and more)

  • Anxious feelings, fears and phobias, recurring sadness, and other difficult emotions as well as physical pain

  • Healing past memories and inner child work

  • Opening up creativity

  • Maximizing skills and performance

  • Defining and following through on goals

  • Overcoming limitations to success and confidence

Hypnosis has been validated by the discovery of neuroplasticity; old problems are “lit up” and made malleable, and the mind is restructured for the desired change on a neurological level, dissolving old unhelpful associations and creating new resourceful healing pathways. 

Sessions involve an induction into a trance state (the alpha-theta brainwave state) where suggestibility is heightened, to rewire neural pathways and change habits, thoughts, and beliefs.

Trance is a natural state which we dip in and out of every day, it feels like being in deep relaxation or “flow” where creative solutions and insights can naturally arise, self-healing occurs, and change can deeply integrate.

Hypnosis is completely safe, deeply relaxing, and works for nearly everyone.

What is hypnosis like with RARE FORTUNE?

I take an integrative and humanistic approach to hypnosis, which is centered on you as a whole, resourceful leader of your life.

I find this to be a particularly powerful modality for divergent leaders, for it leverages our active, imaginative minds and orients them toward our goals.

It also opens up pathways for stronger intuition, self-trust, and lasting change, making it a highly effective technique to create change in your career and beyond.

Sessions are 75 minutes and take place over Zoom or phone.

A 3-session minimum is recommended to see deep, lasting change, however single sessions are available for those who want to experience it first.

Read feedback from past clients below and book your session now.


  • Yes, although there is a range of experiences people can have -- some people go very deep, very quickly, and for others, it may take a few sessions to fully drop in.

  • Not at all -- if you are interrupted or we lose connection in a session, you will easily be able to snap back into regular consciousness.

  • No – hypnosis can help make positive choices easier for you by programming your subconscious, but you will still have full awareness and autonomy over your choices both in and outside of the sessions.

  • Hypnosis has been used for healing for thousands of years, and has been traced back to Ancient Greece and Egypt, but was turned into a performance act in the 18th century by Franz Mesmer. In the 20th century, Dr. Milton Erickson brought it back into popularity as a psychological healing tool.

    That said, I welcome skeptics! Hypnosis does harness the power of the placebo affect – which is so powerful, it is used as a baseline for pharmaceuticals to perform against to be approved. However, the methods behind hypnosis are free and available to us at all times, with no negative side affects.

    In summary: Stage hypnotists may borrow some valid techniques, but their intention is to entertain rather than heal.