success coaching for creative, intuitive leaders who are here to make an impact.

For someone as unique as you, finding success requires a unique approach. My coaching process uses neurosomatic techniques to create sustainable, deep, and lasting change from within, ensuring that the success you achieve is as fulfilling and satisfying as you’ve dreamed of.

the coaching process

1) Heal Burnout at its Core

Healing from burnout is a crucial first step, supporting your mind, body, heart, and soul to recharge. You’ll adopt incremental but powerful changes, and use our sessions to reflect, process, plan, and pivot as we go.

2) Shift into an Empowered Mindset

Next is the work to shed society’s stigmatization and shift into an empowered mindset. This will look like: reflecting on your career story, and reframing key moments with a compassionate and realistic lens that centers on your needs and your gifts. We will pull out the most valuable lessons from your journey and incorporate it into the early drafts of your roadmap forward.

3) Fortify Nourishing Habits

As we continue to work together, you will assess cognitive and behavioral habits that may be hindering your success, and I’ll introduce tools and frameworks that can help you to shift out of habits like self-sabotage, people-pleasing, perfectionism, and distorted thought patterns, and begin to adopt more supportive habits such as somatic exercises, breathwork, movement, journaling, and creative outlets.

4) Nurture Sustainable Success

From a well-resourced place you will begin to work to define your own definition of success that incorporates your needs, passions, values, and purpose. We will take a multilayered approach to arrive at clarity on your direction, finding guidance within and also conducting small experiments to build on your career and business development skills.

Ready to transform?

Neurosomatic Coaching Sessions

Personalized support on your path towards healing burnout, releasing limiting subconscious beliefs, and aligning your career and life towards your highest potential.

Sessions take an integrative approach with neurosomatics, bringing together highly impactful techniques informed by neuroscience, including subconscious reprogramming, neurolinguistic programming, breathwork, and hypnosis.



Ready to commit to your healing and transformation? Select this three-month transformation package for deep, lasting change

  • Three live sessions per month (up to 75 minutes in length) - length and frequency is flexible to meet your needs

  • Includes email or voice message support in-between sessions

  • Initial intake process to assess your needs and goals and collaborate on a roadmap towards your success

  • Custom reflective journaling exercises, self-hypnosis and breathwork meditations, and homework practices for radical change between sessions



If you’re seeking to spark a rapid shift in your mindset, implement new habits, find clarity, and level up your life in one intensive session, this is for you.

  • 2-hour live session

  • Includes email or voice message support for 1 week following your session

  • Custom reflective journaling exercises, self-hypnosis and breathwork meditations, and homework practices for radical change following your session