The future of work is


Helping leaders break up with the status quo and align their teams, careers, & lives with the new paradigm of success.

“If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done.”

In other words:

If the typical approach to work was effective, we would all be thriving by now.

It’s time to take a divergent approach.

Are you ready to be a pioneer on the path toward a brighter future?

If the answer is yes, I’m here to help. I’m Iris Cullinan, founder of RARE FORTUNE, and I can’t wait to be a trailblazer with you.

The world is at a turning point, where the established ways of working are crumbling and a new paradigm is arriving.

Despite some progress, modern work culture has continued to be misaligned with the ways humans perform at their best, leaving innovation, creativity, and engagement as never-ending mysteries to be solved.

These aren’t mysteries at all, but designing cultures that generate a steady supply of them requires going against the grain.

Few are brave enough to take this approach — yet these will be the companies shaping our future.

What is the status quo that this next generation will be leaving behind, exactly?

  • Ignoring the neuroscience of higher-level thinking and motivation, in favor of constant noise. (Hint, it’s from the alpha-theta brainwave state — one few workplaces enable anyone to access).

  • The frenetic pace of modern workplaces fries our nervous systems, limits strategic thinking, damages critical relationships, and cuts off our ability to perform deep work.

  • By devaluing social, emotional, and spiritual wisdom in favor of tech and data, our core human need for meaning and purpose is unmet through our work, leading to distraction, disengagement, and restlessness at every level.

The neurodivergent and highly sensitive people of the world suffer from this misalignment the most.

Neurodiversity is key to our species’ survival. Tomorrow’s leading organizations understand that creating a work environment that unlocks the gifts of ALL talent is a mission-critical business priority.

Thus, the purpose of RARE FORTUNE is two-fold:

Empower DIVERGENT LEADERS to level up their careers and lives.

These are the people who are: highly sensitive, neurodivergent, from non-traditional backgrounds, and who are ready to take a non-traditional approach to creating their life’s work.

Through RARE FORTUNE, I support these leaders with non-traditional yet incredibly impactful techniques through 1:1 sessions, on-demand courses, and live events.

Partner with PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZATIONS to rise up into this next era of leadership.

The core of my method is centered around what is best for ALL humans. To advance this mission, I partner with functional leaders, HR, L&D, and DEI teams with the following services:

  • Culture Assessment & Strategy Development

  • Leadership Assessment & Executive Coaching

  • Team Offsite Facilitation

  • Leadership Development Programming

  • Keynote Speaking & Employee Learning Sessions

Seeking a partner to future-proof your organization?

My Experience

With a background in marketing and advertising, I’ve been a certified coach since 2018 and working in org. and talent development roles since 2019.

I’ve coached and trained thousands of leaders, from nonprofits to start-ups, to the Fortune 500, and everything in between. My specialties have been in manager development, developing high-performing teams, and influential communication, in addition to my core focus on inclusion and wellbeing. I’ve worked closely with organizations in the bio-tech/pharma/healthcare, financial services, education, tech, professional services, energy, and consumer industries.

Before launching RARE FORTUNE, I was a Senior Manager at a talent development consulting firm, serving as a trusted advisor and strategic partner to culture, talent, DEI, and functional leaders, working to transform their workforce and cultures to be more empowering, inclusive, and innovative.

Let’s work together.

Contact me at iris @ or use this form. I look forward to hearing from you!